Monday, August 19, 2013

Nearly approachable

Currently, completion is slated for this week!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Concrete results

First of two loads of cement
Mesmerizing watching these guys work hard and fast against the clock
Went with concrete for the bend in our driveway to better handle the upcoming years of UPS and other heavy vehicles
He's doing the "jitterbug"! No, serious, that's what it's called: jitterbugging.
I attempted to add a few Loki paw prints for character, but they were quietly and quickly brushed away by the concrete guru (can't blame the guy; I'm the same with any of my work)
Second load arriving
Perfection, unless the deer have a party on it before fully setting
Last phase, which is due for completion this week: asphalt

Monday, August 5, 2013

Clean car, clean dog

Before, washing my car meant a dirty dog because loves make mud with the runoff. Now, clean car, clean dog! I'm in love with my new paving stones!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Paver progress—part IV

Borders completed!
Sand will fill the gaps to help lock the bricks together.
A large roller will come through after the sand to compress everything into place.